A goto tool to describe the aws vpc to list associated resources with it...
Describe the aws vpc to list associated resources with it…
The idea behind the implementation of the tool is to find out all the resources that are associated with aws vpc. This gives a picture of all resources or services that use aws vpc.
npx vpc-describe --network vpc-xxxxxxx --profile default --output tabular
npm i --global vpc-describe
npm i --save[-dev] vpc-describe
--network <vpc-id>
Provide a vpc id that needs to be describe.
--profile <profile-name>
Provide a AWS credential profile as a credentials.
--region <region-name>
Provide a AWS region Name. Default is us-east-1
--output <tabular|json>
Provide an output type. Default is tabular
npm run build
node ./dist/index.js --network vpc-xxxxxxx --profile default --output tabular
If you are experiencing a issue or wanted to add a new feature, please create a github issue here.